Multi-Marque Breakfast Every Saturday morning! 9 a.m., at Elsie’s Bowl. Special room for the auto-afflicted. All marques and nationalities invited. Elsie’s offers a large banquet room with plenty of room to socialize and a patio if weather permits. Part of the agreement with the management is that we give them a close number of people we expect to attend. Email InterMarque@gmail.com to join the breakfast Cars & Breakfast RSVP list. Thanks!
INTERMARQUE SUNDAY MORNING events: These gatherings are ever-evolving BUT WE WILL BE GATHERING AT THE SAME SPOT ON WEST 7th in 2025. We will publish our 2025 dates shortly. CLICK FOR MORE INFO HERE including dates and location
InterMarque Picnics Held the last Sunday of June, July, August, and September. Bring a chair and a dish to share. Starts at 1 pm at Cherokee Park in St. Paul. If it rains, it’s cancelled. Cherokee Regional Park, 700 Cherokee Heights Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55107 MORE INFO HERE
STAY TUNED FOR 2025 STATUS: TUESDAY NIGHTS AT SILVERWOOD PARK: As weather permits. Starts around 5:30. Silverwood is located in St. Anthony on the southwest corner of Silver Lake Rd and County Rd E. (CLICK FOR LOCATION) No RSVP is required, just show up with your lawn chair, favorite beverage and a snack and be ready to enjoy the evening. The west side of the park is shaded and we usually get a nice breeze.