By Eric Fantin –

The Citroën Rendezvous was again in full force this year in the beautiful city of Saratoga Spring in upstate NY. As usual many events were organized over the weekend of June 15/16, the principal event was on Saturday where over one hundred cars converge in the bucolic farm setting.
Citroën enthusiasts come from many areas and even Canada. There are many models represented with the usual 2 CV, DS, SM, and many grey market cars never imported in the US like GS, AMI 6, 8, CX, XM and more.

Although it is under the banner of a Citroën event, I would call it a French car event as many other makes were represented like Peugeot, Renault, Simca and a rare Matra.
Our friends from the Citroën Vie organization representing the east coast and Canada have been planning these events for many years, thank you for this delightful gathering.

ED: Thanks to Eric for continuing to take the time to write about his automotive adventures. Attending a national convention is on many or our lists! Eric can be reached at