-By Dick Leighninger-
Intermarque Spring Kick-Off is Saturday, May 21, in Osseo, Minnesota. We expect another great showing of foreign cars. The featured car is the Alfa Romeo, which will be displayed in front of Osseo City Hall, across from the craft show.
This year, for the first time, we are featuring valve cover racing. Racers need to be no wider than 9”, 36″ in length, with a front bumper that is no higher than 3″ (so it can rest on the bar). The track will be located in front of the doors to City Hall. Races will be from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Some cars will be available to borrow.
Tom Warth, former owner of Classic Motorbooks and founder of Books for Africa, will be our featured speaker. You can hear about Tom’s 75 years in the car hobby in the Community Room by the registration tent. Time is 10:30 to 11:00 AM.
The Girl Scouts will once again be selling tickets to select the “Best In Show”. (Don’t forget to bring a rock to weight down the plastic bucket that will be placed under your front bumper for collecting your votes. The rock will help keep your ticket bucket from blowing down the street in the wind!). Voting stops at Noon, with the winner announced at 1 PM.
Again we will be collecting items for Cross Services. This year, they have a need for hygiene products like toothbrushes, diapers and deodorant. Non-Perishable foods or a monetary donation are also welcomed. Barrels at the Registration Desk will be available for your donations.
The gates open at 9 AM for parking placement, with the show opening at 10 AM. Cars will be parked by marque and the show ends at 3 PM. We need to get our cars off the streets ASAP so that the merchants can have room for their customers to park.
You can enter the event on 1st Ave NW, then turn right onto 5th St. NE. The south end of Central Avenue will be blocked for entry. DOWNLOAD AN APPROACH MAP HERE.
And last, but not least, we need your help to run this event. We need volunteers to put up and take down barriers, to help at the Registration desk, to help park cars, and to help with clean up. Shifts are no more than 2 hours; none of the jobs require special training. The Volunteer Sign Up sheet is at the InterMarque website now: https://signup.com/go/SYrtjHB. PLEASE offer your services so we can have a successful car show.
You can send any questions to Dick Leighninger. 652-216-4491 or Imsplashcaf@yahoo.com