– By Aaron Courteau –
#carsovercovid CARS & COFFEE at the Keg & Case for COVID RELIEF
Despite a cool and windy day, we had a decent turnout of people at our new semi-regular car show in gorgeous St. Paul. Approximately 40 cars and a few bikes made the effort to attend. Half of them were cars not yet seen at the other two shows we’d hosted previously, so the GOOD word is getting out there! It was lovely to finally see representatives of the Healey Club there, and the Jaguar contingent continues to grow—including some of the glamour ROLLER and BENTLEY friends. The stalwart members of the Citroën Club continue to amaze with a different grouping each week, and more and more FIATs and Triumphs continue to show to the delight of the crowds.

Attendees were treated to discount coffee coupons, and FREE Car Wash vouchers to SOAPY JOE’S Car wash on W. 7th St. A number of attendees made the introduction of Byron Moyle of MIDWEST LIFTS, LLC, and they will likely have more service friendly garage spaces in their futures!

Despite the lower numbers (likely influenced by the colder weather and Tom Hazen’s speed event), we manage a HUGE haul for the Wellstone Center’s Food Shelf, and the on-site FIVE WATT COFFEE HOUSE continues to sing our praises in helping them make their numbers each week we’re there.
InterMarque and KEG & CASE MARKET have been the perfect partners in helping to put these end of season shows together. The venue is in love with us as a group, and can’t stop talking about how grateful they are for us being there. They are all but insistent that we host regular shows there in 2021, and would like to take a meeting with those in the position of decision making to get dates marked on the calendar so that we might not only reserve the space on a weekly bases, but so that with their help we can market the events most effectively, and design them in as many facets as possible to not only create enjoyable experiences, but create the most impactful ones as well.

There is a VERY slim chance that we might get another Sunday event completed before the snow flies. If so—it will likely come again with very short notice. We hope that if and when it does that you will all consider coming out for it. If it doesn’t—well —there’s always next year, and we’ve laid quite the foundation to make it the best year yet for car shows and InterMarque.
Thanks to all the supporters out there, and Cheers!
Aaron Courteau & Michael Jurayj