– By Dick Leighninger –

JULY 15 UPDATE: I want to thank all InterMarque Clubs and Members for contributing to our fund drive for Cross Services, the food shelf to whom we contributed non-perishable foods at our Osseo Spring Kick-Off Car shows. We raised and contributed a total of $1,116 which includes the $500 matching grant money from InterMarque.
While our official fund drive ended on June 30, you may still mail a check to Cross Services at this address (or click this link to donate online). Cross Services, 12915 Weinand Circle, Rogers, MN 55374
JUNE 15 UPDATE: On May 15, the staff of the Spring Kick Off committee, launched a donation campaign for Cross Services, the food shelf to which we usually contributed in our car shows at Osseo. But as of this week, the contributions were a bit underwhelming, and I know we can do better.
The need for services like Cross, are greater then ever. We have over 3 million people filing for unemployment in this country due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There is an almost 40% increase locally for food shelf services. This week, Second Harvest and Keystone Community Services held a food donation at Allianz Field in St. Paul, where they donated an estimated 900 packages of food to families in need. The lines of traffic created a gridlock around the arena. Our communities need our help!
Any amount contributed will be appreciated. When I thought of how much I should contribute, I thought of how much I might have spent on non-oxygenated fuel for the cancelled May 8 event, how much I might have spent on car wax, ArmorAll, and lunch/beer in Osseo, and wrote my check accordingly. The InterMarque will match the first $500 that comes in, so we have more incentive to help.
Donations can be made by cash or check to the SKO’s treasurer, Dave Lindemann at 24853 Quinlan Avenue N., Scandia, MN 55073. Checks should be made payable to InterMarque or Cross Services. All contributions will be forwarded to Cross. Those wishing to pay by credit card, can go to crosservices.org to learn more and click on “Donate” (OR CLICK HERE).
INTERMARQUE CLUBS: If you would like to offer up your $100 Spring Event Sponsorship money to be a Cross Food Shelf Donation you can do that as well. Triumph and Citroën Clubs have generously offered to do so. Just email intermarque@gmail.com and we’ll take care of the donation!
This is a chance for those of us who are self-quarantining to do something useful to help in this terrible situation, so think of all the people you can help and make your contributions. Thanks
Dick Leighninger, SKO chairman
ORIGINAL POST FROM MAY 15: I know you are all as disappointed as I am at having to postpone the 2020 Spring Kick Off event in May, but I think we can turn this cancellation into a success. Even though we are not able to congregate, we do have the opportunity to show Cross Services how thankful we are for their existence.
Instead of dropping non-perishable food into a barrel as we have at prior shows, we can make financial contributions to Cross. They provide not only food, but things like furniture, clothing, toys and school supplies to people in the area. Food shelves have always needed contributions, but with 3.3 million people out of work, they need even more now than ever before, and cash contributions allow them to meet whatever needs exist.
The SKO committee therefore proposes that clubs and their members contribute cash to Cross. The InterMarque Treasury will match all contributions up to a total of $500.
- While any contribution would be appreciated, we might make a personal contribution equivalent to what we would have spent on car wax, Armor All, lunch and non-oxygenated gas for May 9.
- Clubs might find creative ways to raise money for a contribution.
- Clubs might donate the amount they paid for their parking space at our Osseo event in May. If so, contact Dave at the address below.
- Clubs might appeal to their members independently.
For purposes of totaling contributions for the matching fund, all contributions should be sent to Dave Lindemann, our event Treasurer.
His address is:
c/o Dave Lindemann
24853 Quinlan Avenue N.
Scandia, MN 55073
Checks should be made payable to InterMarque or Cross Services. All contributions will be forwarded to Cross.
Those wishing to pay by credit card, can go to their website, “Cross Services.org” and click on the word “Donate”. OR CLICK HERE
InterMarque matching donation period runs from May 15 to June 30, 2020.
We also made a little flyer you can download if you’d like. CLICK HERE
This is a chance for those of us who are self-quarantining to do something useful to help in this terrible situation. So, think of all the people you can help, and make your contributions.
And mark your calendars for the rescheduled SKO event on September 26.
Dick Leighninger,
Event Chairperson