– John Engstrom

We are looking for a new InterMarque Spring Kick-Off chair to take the wheel! Although at first glance it seems like it‘s an overwhelming job.
But not so much !!
Actually, much of the work is organized and run by the Club volunteers to make it easier to handle.
We have a volunteer to go around through the city of Osseo, talk to the business owners and get our posters put up in store windows, the volunteer also collects any goody bag donations they may want put into the goody bags. A volunteer to work with both the Girl Scouts and the food shelf so we do not have to handle any of it ourselves. A volunteer to serve as a liaison between the City of Osseo and the InterMarque, setting up meetings before the show, working with Osseo about any concerns that come up, attending City Council Meetings, works with the craft show and police department, and reserves the senior center for any speaker. Volunteers, who set up and take down cones for club car placement. A volunteer to work with selling vendor spots in the show. Volunteers who help getting cars into the show as well aid in car placement. A Volunteer who does graphics, posters and printing for the show. A volunteer who handles all of the finances. Volunteers who set up the street blockades ( city of Osseo takes them down).
There is still work to be done and decisions to be made. The new chair will have to hold meetings and discussions with the clubs to go over and inform them of what progress is being made and if there are any problems with the show. Passing out trophies to the winners take a count of cars, have an identification list of cars in attendance as well as handle problems that come up during the show. Obtain items for the goody bags, pack the goody bags and in general make decisions.
I will be more than happy to help out the new chair all along the way. The job is rewarding and you will be continuing to perpetuate a long sanding car show in a friendly atmosphere. The show is growing each year and we are beginning to be noticed by the car community as a “go to” show. This year we were written up by an automobile blogger who loved the show
Try it, you’ll have fun.
Email us at InterMarque@gmail.com to learn more or me directly at jmjengstrom@yahoo.com