John Engstrom, Spring Kick-Off Chair
First of all, a thank you to all the help everyone did for the show, it’s a lot of work to put on and a lot of people showed up and pitched in to make it a success.
It turned out to be a great day for the show, earlier predictions were for either a rain storm or a wash out for the day, but I had complained to the weatherman and they changed the forecast for us.
We had at least 214 cars show up. Since cars come and go, I may have missed a few when I went and did a count.
The People’s Choice Car was the lovely Borgward. 2nd Place went to a Volvo P1800. Other winners went from Triumph, MG ( 2 winners), Austin Healey, Metropolitan, Jaguar and an Alfa. Congratulations to all the winners.

In case you may have missed it, we had a couple of speakers in the community room right behind the registration tent. We had Kris Palmer who wrote the book Hot Wheels: From 0-50 at 1:64 Scale on the history of Hot Wheels cars. Kris, had a lot of very interesting information about the development of Hot Wheels. We also had Tim Parker, former CEO of Motorbooks who regailed us with stories growing up in England and how he got into the automotive publishing business. He now works as a consultant for Bonhams Auction House. A big thanks to both of these guys for coming out and speaking to us.

A treat for me was to run across the Humber, a rare bird on this side of the pond. There has got to be a story behind this car. If anyone knows about it, get a hold of me at I would like to hear about it.

Again, thanks to everyone who participated in the show.