More Spring Kick Off information !!
We had our last meeting on April 13. You can review the Kick-Off home page for event info. (We will continue to update that link as the event approaches)

New this year, we have booked the community room, right behind the registration tent.
10:30-11am:Join MotorBooks author Kris Palmer, who has recently written a book about the 50th anniversary of HOT WHEELS cars ( Hot Wheels from 0 to 50 at 1/64th scale).
11-11:30am: Join Tim Parker, former president and CEO of Motorbooks and currently a consultant with Bonhams auction house for: “I don’t know what it’s worth, but neither do you.” You may leave with a better understanding of how to maximize the value of your collector car or motorcycle
We’d love it if you can volunteer to help. CLICK HERE TO VIEW AND SIGN UP