By John Engstrom – Many of you may know Clarence Westburg. Clarence is very active in the Twin City Rally Cub and organizes and runs many local Rallys, both summer and winter. Clarence aquired his MGA in 2010 to use it to drive around town and to run in Rallys.
This MGA started out in 1958 as a 1500 CC model. Clarence wanted more from his car and decided to gradually improve it both in handling and to add more power to it. Over time, a lot of changes have been made to improve the performance for rallying and hill climbing.
The following is a list of improvements to his car.
Brakes: Front and rear brakes from a MGB
Suspension: special springs and bespoke shocks have been installed along with control arms from an MGB, modifications to the steering system have been made also.

Adjustable two row timing chain and sprocket
Transmission: 5 speed transmission installed
Engine: Original 1500cc engine replaced with bored out 1800cc 5 main GB engine
–engine is now at 1900 cc with custom JE pistons, custom roller cam
–modified Chevrolet roller lifters used along with custom pushrods (Chev. on one end, MGB on the other)
– adjustable two row timing chain and sprocket
– cylinder head fitted with oversize valves
– Twin HS6 carbs ( 1- 3/4 inch)
– cylinder head ported, polished and port matched to intake and exhaust manifolds
– ARP bolts used for the main, rod and cylinder head
– uses big tube ceramic coated header
– custom curved and rebuilt distributor by Advanced Distributor
– Alternator fitted
– Aluminum flywheel
– Many custom made parts such as custom hydraulic clutch pushrod, custom pilot bushing, custom throttle cable mount and other touches.
Look for Clarence’s car in the staging area at events, otherwise you may only see his tail lights!