– By Aaron Courteau – You could NOT have asked for a more perfect day for a car show in Minnesota than Sunday, September 11th, 2022 was.
Cars started arriving at Keg & Case Market on W.7th Street in St. Paul at 7:45am… Fifteen minutes before the show officially opened! We had over 50 cars in attendance and a dozen vehicles of the two wheeled variety. The selection was quite nice with a half dozen Mercedes, three Triumphs, four Rolls Royce, a few Range and Land Rovers, five BMW, a few Alfas, three vintage Fiats, a nice Datsun, Nesbit (thanks as always, Lynn!), a few Jaguars, my lone Lotus and then a lovely eclectic mix of other vehicles rounding out the show.
There remain notable missing elements to this show… Healeys, MG’s, more Triumphs, more Lotus, more Porsches, more Italians and Frenchies. This IS an InterMarque event, and we sincerely want to know what’s holding these clubs back from greater participation. We get dozens of people at each show expressing their appreciation for the show’s atmosphere, location and timing, and we continue to do good work by not only generating interest in our shared hobby, but also by collecting generous donations for the local food shelf… This week FIVE overflowing grocery bags!
Please consider joining us for the next show two weeks from now on Sunday, September 25th. The shows run from 8am – 11:30am and are only cancelled if it’s RAINING on site in St. Paul at 8am.
Cheers, everyone!