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A message from the InterMarque President

– By John Engstrom –

To all of the InterMarque clubs and members. I regret, that because of health concerns, I am going to resign the Presidency.

It’s been great run and I really want to thank all of the Member Cubs and club members for the help and support that I have received throughout my term as president. You guys have all been great as resources and at pitching in to help when needed. Your contributions are what made the InterMarque the great organization that it is today.

Of course, that being said, we do need a new president to take my place. Many changes have been made and most of the major stuff has someone who runs it. These people should all stay in place as we transition to a new president.

What we are looking for is an InterMarque cheerleader, one who looks for ways to improve the InterMarque for the future. Supporting and working with the current member clubs and encouraging new foreign car clubs to join. 

This is what will take the InterMarque to grow and become greater in the future.

A little bit of organization goes a long way with this and I would still be around in an advisory capacity if needed. You will also get a lot of support by working with the member clubs. 

Give it a try!  There’s lots of people to help you.

You can contact me at jmjengstrom@yahoo.com or go through Brian Cornell at the InterMarque email (intermarque@gmail.com) to ask questions and/or submit your name.

I also wish to thank Brian Cornell for running the InterMarque monthly newsletter, website, and graphics departments, Dave Lindemann for taking care of the finances, Dick Leighninger and Todd Bjerknes for their help with events.

Thanks to everyone!
