Your 2020 Lake of the Woods Vintage Sports Car Rendezvous co-chairs had the event pretty well organized and put to bed for the winter until the January 17th fire at our primary hotel, The Clarion Lakeside Inn, caused us some anxious moments.
We went into scramble mode and after many emails, phone calls, and another trip to Kenora, and with the assistance of the Special Events Coordinator for the City of Kenora, we are back in business. The Days Inn, the Comfort Inn, and the Travelodge have made available to us over 100 rooms to replace the ones booked at the Clarion. See below for hotel contact information.
We are also happy to report that we have reserved the Kenora Recreation Centre as the location for our Awards Banquet along with Event Registration, Silent Auction, and the Charity Wine & Cheese. This is a great facility with lots of room to park our cars.
We thank everyone for their patience and we are looking forward to seeing you June 11th at the 30th Annual Rendezvous.
2020 Rendezvous Co-Chairs:
Rob Hawley, Peter Foreman, Ted Moorby
Message from Chad:
As indicated above there has been a change to the accommodations for the 2020 Rendezvous. There is no longer a specific “Host Hotel”. Please share the message from the Co-Chairs above with your members and advise them to contact one of our three hotel partners listed below prior to May 1st to book their accommodations and receive the preferred Rendezvous rate.
- Travelodge – 800 Highway 17 E. – 807-468-3155 – $129 CND
- Days Inn – 920 Highway 17 E. – 807-468-2003 – $129 CND
- Comfort Inn – 1230 Highway 17 E. – 807-468-8845 – $139+ CND (includes hot breakfast)
As well, with these changes there is yet another new version of the Event Poster and Registration Form documents, both of which are attached. Please use these for any future communications about the event to your members and please distribute the updated Registration Form to your members ASAP so they can use this most recent version if they haven’t already registered.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.
Chad Edwards
Chad.G.Edwards “at”
on behalf of the 2020 Rendezvous Organizing Committee