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2021 Minneapolis Mile Recap

–By Andy Lindberg –

Maybe five or six hundred cars were on display at the August 21 Minneapolis Mile show at the Convention Center. Of these about twenty huddled around the InterMarque banner. Our group, each of whom had received complimentary entry passes from Dan Balto of the Minnesota Car Enthusiasts Club, included a few Mercedes, a couple MGBGTs, a TR6, a TR8, an XKE, a 2CV, a Metropolitan, an Alfa Spider and GTV, two Loti (apparently Colin Chapman couldn’t decide what the plural for Lotus should be), a Volvo, a BMC Mini, a Nissan Figaro, and a Saab.

In addition to our group, there were some other interesting cars scattered about the convention floor. Some highlights from these autos included:

A lot of people were there. Photo by Andy Lindberg

Did I mention that we won some awards? Larry and Barb Henle’s MGBGT got one. This is the yellow touring car whose stickers/decals announce it has been almost everyplace in North America. So did Aaron Courteau for his stunning 1983 Lotus Esprit. And, Ta-Da, guess who got 1st place Other Euro? Modesty forbids me from answering, but let’s just say it was the only car displayed with a Dala horse and Uff Da hat on its roof.

Photo provided by Andy Lindberg